News Release

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Lead Battery Industry Releases Innovation Roadmap to Strengthen U.S. Energy Sector Infrastructure

As lawmakers work to strengthen infrastructure within the energy sector, batteries have emerged as a critical...

July 14, 2021

On National Battery Day We Recognize the Importance of Lead Batteries Throughout the Pandemic and...

Lead batteries have been essential to surviving COVID-19. And, they’ll play a critical role in our...

February 17, 2021

National Battery Day
National Battery Day Is February 18 – A Time to Recognize Lead Batteries’ Role in Pandemic...

On February 18 – National Battery Day – we celebrate lead batteries’ continued resilience and...

February 16, 2021

California’s Wildfire Season Nears: Legislature Must Act Now to Protect Communities Throughout...

Our guest blogger, Roger Miksad, executive vice president of Battery Council International, recently authored...

May 26, 2020

Failure is Not an Option: Telecom Trusts Lead Batteries for Reliable Service During Crises

In a world reliant on mobile phones, a service interruption can be more than an inconvenience. It can be...

May 18, 2020

Earth Day 2020: We Salute Those Working to Stop Climate Change and COVID-19

Earth Day 2020 comes at a time of two converging crises – COVID-19 and climate change. We’re proud that...

April 20, 2020

Thank You to Our Workers! Lead Battery Industry Ensures “Essential Service” During COVID-19...

COVID-19 has disrupted – if not completely halted – our lives in profound ways. While some of us can work...

March 30, 2020

Capitol Hill Briefing Confirms Criticality of Energy Storage in Climate Change Mitigation, Data...

An expert panel briefed policymakers on the role of energy storage in the transition to electrification and...

February 18, 2020

Steve Binks of the International Lead Association

...[this] is the start of a journey that will raise global standards and help ensure that lead batteries continue to be a key enabling technology for the transition to a low carbon future.

Dr. Steve Binks, Regulatory Affairs Director, International Lead Association