
National Agriculture Day
National AG Day is March 21; 50th Anniversary is “Ripe” Time to Celebrate Agriculture and Lead...

March 21st is National Ag Day across the U.S. It’s a day to recognize – and celebrate – the...

March 20, 2023

National Agriculture Day
National AG Day Is March 23: Thank a Farmer and the Lead Batteries That Help Them in the Field

March 23rd is National Ag Day across the U.S. It’s a day to recognize – and celebrate – the...

March 23, 2021

Pete Stanislawczyk, East Penn

Lead batteries will be the primary stored power source for these systems. Based upon our insights, we believe lead AGM – or absorbed glass mat batteries – will be the battery of choice for the next 20-plus years.

Pete Stanislawczyk, Senior Vice President Transportation Division, East Penn Manufacturing Company