Press Release

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Lead Battery Industry Releases Innovation Roadmap to Strengthen U.S. Energy Sector Infrastructure

As lawmakers work to strengthen infrastructure within the energy sector, batteries have emerged as a critical...

July 14, 2021

Terry Murphy, Hammond Group
The Long and Winding Road

Terry Murphy, president, CEO and chairman of battery chemical firm Hammond Group, explains why there is still...

June 22, 2021

Christian Rosenkranz, Chairman CBI
How Lead Batteries Make EVs Safer

Dr. Christian Rosenkranz sets out how lead batteries supporting safety systems in electric vehicles are...

June 3, 2021

Case study of lead batteries in New York, NY
New York, NY

March 8, 2021

DOE Energy Storage Grand Challenge Lead Acid Battery Research
New DOE Energy Storage Grand Challenge Report Shines Spotlight on Lead Battery Research

The recent Energy Storage Grand Challenge Market Report for 2020 from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)...

January 21, 2021

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Statement from Battery Council International on President-Elect Joe Biden’s Build Back Better...

The lead battery industry, with its strong domestic supply chain, is ideally positioned to rapidly deliver on...

January 15, 2021

The future of energy storage powering a city at night.
The Amazing Race: Competing to Create the Future of Energy Storage

The world is under intense pressure to dramatically expand energy storage. To give a sense of the terrain...

December 2, 2020

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Venkat Srinivasan from the Argonne Collaborative Center

The lead acid battery ... is legendary. We can recycle 95+ percent of [these] batteries all across the world. It's a very safe chemistry, ... [and] we understand how to use it very, very well.

Dr. Venkat Srinivasan, Director, Argonne Collaborative Center for Energy Storage Science