Press Release | November 17, 2022

Meet BCI Board Member, Julie McClure

BCI sat down with Board Member, Julie McClure, during an interview about her involvement with the battery industry.

Julie McClure is currently Chairman of MAC Engineering & Equipment, Co. Inc., but has been in the industry for over 25 years. Previously holding the titles of President, Executive Vice President and Board Member of MAC Engineering. She is currently also President of the Steering Committee for Women of the Global Battery Industry (WGBI). She holds a Masters of English Studies from Elmhurst College, Post-Bac work in Secondary Education from Arizona State University, and Bachelor of Science in English Literature from Northern Arizona University.

How did you get involved in the industry?

I started out on the Board of Directors at MAC Engineering, a machine manufacturing company owned by my father, while I was working for an estate attorney and following that, I was teaching high school English. When my father and Mike Tole, previous Chairman, President and owner/Board Member of MAC Engineering, wanted to make sure that the business was stewarded to the next generation, they offered me a full-time position at the company. I started as Executive Vice President and as Mike Tole retired, I became Chairman of MAC Engineering.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve seen in the industry?

The biggest challenge I’ve had to overcome has been the pandemic, something that had no precedent. There have been other challenges, but mostly ones that someone has already been through; that someone can provide an outline on how to approach the problem. No one knew what was going to happen next, how long it would or could last, and the reverbations are still coming, albeit more predicatable and less disruptive.

What is the biggest opportunity for the lead battery industry, and how do you see the industry evolving? What are you looking forward to this year?

The biggest opportunity for the lead battery industry is, and has been for a while, to not be shy about the advantages. Often our industry is too gun-shy about singing its praises and lets Lithium suck the energy out of the room. But there is room for everything and there are trade-offs to all the battery technologies. As a machine manufacturer, I am looking forward to what developments are coming in the future and how we can help make those developments come to fruition.

What do you value about BCI?

Community is important and I believe that our industry is a community. Knowing that we are all working together towards a better future.


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John Howes

The Energy Storage Grand Challenge report….reflects growing recognition from DOE and others that lead batteries are among important energy storage technologies that require investment to secure America’s global leadership on technological innovation and a green economy infrastructure.

John Howes, Principal, Redland Energy Group