Community Involvement | May 30, 2023

Element Resources Helps 400 New Trees Take Root in Indiana for Earth Day 2023

Element Resource employees plant trees for Earth Day

The volunteer team from Element Resources participates in Earth Day by planting 400 trees.

What can 10 hard-working volunteers accomplish in just three hours? Plant 400 new trees! That’s what a group of dedicated employees from Element Resources’ recycling facility in Muncie, Indiana, recently accomplished in support of Earth Day 2023. The employees participated in several activities in the community and at the recycling plant.

Working – and volunteering – in the sustainability realm isn’t new to Element Resources. It is one of the largest lead battery recycling operations in the United States. From its locations in Muncie and Forest City, Missouri, the company provides environmentally responsible recycling services to Stryten Energy and other battery manufacturers. Annually, Element Resources recycles approximately 10 million lead batteries (400 million pounds), using a closed-loop model of sustainability and circularity.

Tree Planting Project for Red-Tail Land Conservancy

On April 13, the volunteers participated in an afternoon of service for the Red-tail Land Conservancy, whose mission is to preserve, protect and restore natural areas and farmland in east central Indiana. The Conservancy’s work is helping to ensure wildlife have the habitats they need to flourish, while maintaining public access for all to enjoy.

Collecting River Water Samples for Science

The Indiana team also helped collect water samples and make observations from five locations along the White River. Lab analysis of the samples will be used to care for the river, its watershed and the drinking water it provides to over 1 million Hoosiers. This activity was coordinated by Muncie Sanitary District Bureau of Water Quality and The Nature Conservancy.

Element Resources volunteers taking water samples
Water samples gathered from the White River, which flows through central and southern Indiana, will be used to better understand water quality.

Employee Awareness and Learning

Additionally, Element Resources employees participated in Earth Day activities at Ball State University. More than 100 people visited the event and learned about pollination, animal habitats, mushrooms and, of course, recycling.

During Earth Week, Element Resources took steps to engage all of its employees in environmental sustainability. Each employee received a reusable food storage bag, a reusable grocery bag and an Earth Day bookmark made out of seed paper, which can also be planted to become wildflowers.

Battery Council International Member Companies: Rooted in Environmental Innovation

BCI thanks Element Resources for its sustainability efforts year-round. The lead battery industry, including its recyclers, invest over $113 million (2021) in researching and developing innovative, sustainable energy storage technologies that support greener transportation and maximize renewable energy.

Learn more about the industry’s initiatives in the blog post, Earth Day 2023: Investing in a Greener Planet Comes Naturally for Lead Battery Industry.


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Carole Mars The Sustainability Consortium Director

The high recycling rate of U.S. lead batteries means a large percent of U.S. lead battery manufacturing supply chain inputs are sourced from domestic recyclers.

Dr. Carole Mars, Director of Technical Development and Innovation, The Sustainability Consortium