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July 15, 2020
The Sustainable, Circular Economy of the Industry Enables 8,150 Jobs Across the State CHICAGO – February...
February 18, 2020
Guest blogger and battery executive David Shaffer provides an overview of the exponential growth in the...
February 17, 2020
Who knew that a 160-year-old industry could be a leader in today’s modern economy? We did! Lead batteries...
October 3, 2019
New Study Reveals Thriving Lead Battery Industry Keeps Americans Mobile and Connected in Modern, Green...
October 3, 2019
Enables More than 95,000 American Manufacturing Jobs
February 1, 2018
A first-ever study finds that the combined lead battery industry produced a $28 billion economic benefit.
February 1, 2018
Looking to reinvent the image of lead batteries, Battery Council International and the International Lead...
November 8, 2017
“Being a good neighbor is paramount to the more than 20,000 people working in the lead battery industry”
November 2, 2017
The high recycling rate of U.S. lead batteries means a large percent of U.S. lead battery manufacturing supply chain inputs are sourced from domestic recyclers.