| January 24, 2023


It is illegal to discard a motor vehicle battery or other lead-acid battery.

Recycle your used batteries.

State law requires us to accept used motor vehicle batteries or other lead-acid batteries for recycling, in exchange for new batteries purchased.

Hawaii, Mississippi, and Virginia point-of-sale notices must be printed, produced, and distributed by the state, but it is a battery retailer’s responsibility to print the notices in Connecticut, Louisiana, Missouri, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. All of these states require the three-chasing arrows recycling symbol to be printed on the notice.

Hawaii and Missouri require the signs to be at least five inches by seven inches and four inches by six inches, respectively.

Kansas City, MO

Although no specific language is required for Kansas City’s point-of-sale notices, the notices should include statements about the illegality of improperly discarding used motor vehicle batteries and other types of lead-acid batteries and the requirement that retailers must accept used lead-acid batteries for recycling.

Kansas City’s point-of-sale notices must be designed, and prepared by the state.

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Nick Starita

There’s still a fair amount of risk-aversion at major carriers when it comes to lithium.

Nick Starita, President of the Energy Solutions Division, Hollingsworth and Vose