Resources to Boost Your Battery I.Q.

Social Graphic

Social Graphic: National Battery Day
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Social Graphic: U.S. Batteries Support Vital Industries (MP4)
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Batteries support vital industries
Social Graphic: U.S. Batteries Support Vital Industries (GIF)
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Batteries support vital industries
Social Graphic: 45 States Battery Recycling Laws (MP4)
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Social Graphic: 45 States Battery Recycling Laws (GIF)
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Social Graphic: U.S. Battery Industry Economic Impact (MP4)
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Social Graphic: U.S. Battery Industry 20% of Economy
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nearly 20% of the economy
Social Graphic: U.S. Battery Industry Total Jobs
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48 million us jobs supported by battery industry
Social Graphic: U.S. Battery Industry Economic Output
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us battery industry economic impact 8.1 trillion
Social Graphic: Lead Battery Circular Economy
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Circular economy of lead batteries
Social Graphic: A Model Circular Economy (MP4)
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Social Graphic: Circular Economy Leader – Lead Batteries 99% Recycled (MP4)
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Video showing the 99% recycling rate of lead batteries.
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John Howes

The Energy Storage Grand Challenge report….reflects growing recognition from DOE and others that lead batteries are among important energy storage technologies that require investment to secure America’s global leadership on technological innovation and a green economy infrastructure.

John Howes, Principal, Redland Energy Group