Resources to Boost Your Battery I.Q.

Social Graphic

Social Graphic: U.S. Batteries Support Vital Industries (MP4)
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Batteries support vital industries
Social Graphic: U.S. Batteries Support Vital Industries (GIF)
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Batteries support vital industries
Social Graphic: 45 States Battery Recycling Laws (MP4)
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Social Graphic: 45 States Battery Recycling Laws (GIF)
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Social Graphic: U.S. Battery Industry Economic Impact (MP4)
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Social Graphic: U.S. Battery Industry 20% of Economy
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nearly 20% of the economy
Social Graphic: U.S. Battery Industry Total Jobs
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48 million us jobs supported by battery industry
Social Graphic: U.S. Battery Industry Economic Output
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us battery industry economic impact 8.1 trillion
Social Graphic: Lead Battery Circular Economy
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Circular economy of lead batteries
Social Graphic: A Model Circular Economy (MP4)
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Social Graphic: Circular Economy Leader – Lead Batteries 99% Recycled (MP4)
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Video showing the 99% recycling rate of lead batteries.
Social Graphic: Circular Economy Leader – Lead Batteries 99% Recycled (GIF)
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Animated GIF on lead batteries 99% recycling rate
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Rebecca Conway

There is still a lead acid battery in the majority of EVs.  [And] we’re also seeing an increase in the number of multi-battery systems – vehicles with more than one battery, a primary and auxiliary battery.

Rebecca Conway, Executive Director of Marketing and Technical Services, Clarios