Events | April 5, 2023

April Article Discussion

Ellen Maxey, WGBI Secretary (Clarios), facilitated a discussion around an article written by Kelly Shue, Finance Professor, Yale University, “Women Aren’t promoted Because Managers Underestimate Their Potential.” The 60-minutes session, with interaction among the 51 participants, provided valuable insights into the challenges women face in the workplace. These WGBI member discussion groups will be scheduled monthly. WGBI members are encouraged to submit topics for future consideration and volunteer to lead these high-energy sessions.

Venkat Srinivasan from the Argonne Collaborative Center

The lead acid battery ... is legendary. We can recycle 95+ percent of [these] batteries all across the world. It's a very safe chemistry, ... [and] we understand how to use it very, very well.

Dr. Venkat Srinivasan, Director, Argonne Collaborative Center for Energy Storage Science