BCI is currently preparing the 2025 edition of its Battery Replacement Data Book.
To provide you with a high-quality product in a timely and cost-effective manner, please place Data Book orders of 30 copies or more by February 15, 2025. Orders received after this deadline are not eligible for the preorder pricing listed below.
Please note: After our initial print run, BCI will keep a very limited number of Data Books on hand for individual orders. As such, we cannot guarantee pricing or prompt delivery of large orders placed after that date. Prices for paper, printing and storage continue to rise and this is part of the Data Book Committees efforts to keep this publication accessible and affordable.
Please place orders promptly to ensure your organization gets the copies it needs and avoid delays.
Contact BCI staff at info@batterycouncil.org with any questions on the Data Book ordering process.
There is still a lead acid battery in the majority of EVs. [And] we’re also seeing an increase in the number of multi-battery systems – vehicles with more than one battery, a primary and auxiliary battery.